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Pet Place

The health and well-being of our cherished pets is of utmost importance to us.

Drawing on insights from pet owners and veterinary specialists, we carefully identified the most effective methods and areas to monitor in your pet's daily life.

KinHub's Pet Place allows information for multiple pets to be logged at the same time by utilizing a multi-select feature.

Each section includes a "notes" box to document additional information.

Switch to "Stats" to view graphs for each section. These graphs display real-time data, enabling you to track and monitor averages and trends, and share them with your veterinarian during check-ups.

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Meal Tracker

Potty Monitor

Exercise Tracking

Easily monitor your pet's meals, including the type of food, portion size, and feeding schedule. This information can help you identify any potential health issues and make adjustments to your pet's diet as needed. 

Keep track of your furry friend's potty habits with ease.

Simply log each time your pet goes potty.

With our user-friendly interface, you'll never miss a potty break again. 

Easily record and analyze your pet's exercise routines, ensuring they stay healthy, active, and full of vitality.

Log each exercise session with details such as activity type, duration, intensity, and any specific notes or observations. 


Medication Minder

Easily record each medication dose, including the type of medication, dosage amount, administration method, and time of administration. You can also add notes to document any observations or changes in your pet's condition.

Accident Watch

Record details of any accidents or mishaps your pet may encounter, from minor scrapes to more serious incidents. Keep track of the date, time, location, and nature of the accident, as well as any immediate actions taken and subsequent observations.

Screen Grabs

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